Explore the world with Medistik as your sidekick

We love hearing from you on how MEDISTIK helps prevent, relieve, and heal pain so that you can enjoy life's adventures pain-free!

We recently received a story from an amazing customer that we wanted to share  so you can hear how MEDISTIK has helped Klara travel around the world defying gravity and documenting it along the way.

Medistik strongest topical pain relief helping you travel the world pain free 

Klara's story:


My name is Klara and I am 21 years-old proudly from the Czech Republic, and identify truly as being international. I am a passionate traveler and adventurer. The combination of traveling, sport, and photography are like my engine that keeps me moving forward living out of routine / monotony / sameness on full blast. For me, traveling and sports are not just a physical process but I think that when you truly live this kind of lifestyle, it changes you mentally as well. I see a difference between vacations and traveling. You gain a completely different perspective by meeting people all around the world, hearing their stories, getting to know different mentalities, customs, and traditions through sports and connecting to nature. Mountains. Deserts. Ocean. Forests.

Medistik travel and explore the world pain free

All of a sudden, you have some time to think about yourself, how you live and what you enjoy. For me, the essence of life revolves around getting up half an hour before the sun rises to be first at the top of the mountain. I have decided that my whole life should look the way I start my day off. Outdoors, endorphins and physical fatigue is the best way to spend a day and the best way how to see the world. One of the many differences between this lifestyle and vacation is that you realize that you can be happy without any material possessions. 

You kinda live out of your suitcase. You realize what you need or what do not. You just wanna stick to your favourite things, the things you need, and things that will save you in any situation. As I say - The lighter the suitcase, the better! That is why I love sharing my story because I love supporting things I believe in and things that became a must-have in my starter pack. And MEDISTIK belongs there. I love spreading a good thing for people with the same lifestyle, mindset, and troubles.

Medistik travel snowboarding photography  

I love MEDISTIK because it is small, light, and lasts a very long time. The best thing though, it works! MEDISTIK has been always a huge relief when I was struggling with occasional pain I was having whether it was from snowboarding, surfing, hiking, climbing or just walking too much. I have been carrying this with me for over a year everywhere I go. I am happy I don't have to try tons of stuff from the pharmacy anymore where I was spending a lot of money with no effect or had to use 5 different products for different kinds of pain. 

I'm so thankful I get to live the way I live - working and traveling all over the place, I can share this miracle magic stick with athletes and active people all around the world. I've shared my secret to pain relief when I lived in California recommending it to surfers and skaters, hiked in Argentina and Chile helping other groups of enthusiastic hikers and climbers with their pain, in Alaska with my coworkers to make our exhausting nights and mornings easier to manage, and while currently living in Austria. It keeps surprising everyone I meet and recommend this to. And when there is some time in-between when I am resting at home, my grandparents appreciate using it when they are sore from shopping for groceries and other daily tasks in their lives. There is nobody who shouldn't use this product. Use it properly and often and you won't be disappointed!

Travel Austria California Australia Chile photography Medisitk pain free

Sport is a big part and a huge reason why I travel.

I cannot imagine my life without doing sports. I try to manage all my passions, interests but also work and still being able to have some energy for my friends and family. With this thing, I am calm that no matter what I do, I use MEDISTIK and I can start fresh the very next day again. MEDISTIK allows me to get better at sports, maximize my ability to focus on the things I want, explore the world when traveling to different places, work hard to make money for other trips, and still be full of energy.

Whether you hike, surf, skate, climb, snowboard or even do simple sightseeing tours you always need something that helps you from the occasional pain. And with MEDISTIK, you do not have to worry about a thing.

Explore the world pain free with MEDISTIK the strongest topical pain reliever in Canada


You can follow Klara's adventures on Instagram


MEDISTIK helps manage all kinds of pain when you are travelling the world such as:

  • Muscle Pain, Cramps & Stiffness
  • Neck, Shoulder, Back & Leg Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Arthritis & Rheumatoid Conditions
  • Sport Injury
  • Chronic & Acute Pain

MEDISTIK's innovative stickspray and roll-on applicators are designed to be safe and easy to use with no mess. The easy application is optimal for those with on the go!

View our products to see which one is right for you.

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