"This is a roll-on stick (like a deodorant) that is amazing for injuries." Igor Klibanov, CEO, Fitness Solutions Plus

Basically, if you have an injury, or some minor “boo-boo”, you rub this on the affected area, and it goes to work.

What are the ingredients? The main ones are menthol, camphor and peppermint oil.These are all counter-irritants, and vasodilators (they open up the blood vessels). It contains other  ingredients, like MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, folic acid, and more.

As a competitive powerlifter, and someone who likes to do funky stuff for exercise, I occasionally get minor injuries. That’s why I have a MEDISTIK in my cabinet.

The first week after a minor injury, I apply the MEDISTIK with high frequency. We’re talking 4–6 times per day. Then, I back down the frequency, to 2–4 times per day, until it’s gone.

I believe part of my rapid recovery from injuries comes from this.

 Igor Klibanov is the CEO of one of Toronto's premier personal training companies, Fitness Solutions Plus. He was selected one of the top 5 personal trainers in Toronto, by the Metro News newspaper, and released a book detailing his unique methodology.

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