I am so happy.🥰I found something that works for my osteoarthritis. I found them at National Woman’s Show, the ladies were so helpful. I put it on my leg and I was able to walk through the whole show with no pain. I bought it on Saturday and I’ve been using it until today and I am so amazed that I have had no pain, at all, I’ve been also recommending it to my family and friends, is the best thing in the market.
And it’s so good that it helped me and is helping so many other people who suffer from chronic pain, what I like about it is that you put it on and it doesn’t drop off like other creams or products, that they have in the market, and the best thing it’s a Canadian product, and the price is really good,
I am in love with it every day I put it on and I’ve been walking like I have no pain. Thank you for making the best products
Lubomír M.
Velmi dobrý a účinný prostředek MEDISTIK
Uvedený prostředek jsem využíval již dávno v minulosti, kdy jsem ještě měl hodně sportovních aktivit a tento prostředek byl v naší zemi běžně k dostání. Využívali jej samozřejmě i mí sportovní přátelé. Dnes v mých 70 letech mi tento prostředek dostatečně ulevuje od bolesti namožených šlach a svalů. Zkrátka super prostředek usnadňující pohyb i ve stáří. Bohužel už v této kvalitě v Evropě není k dostání .
The Power Stick
Paul H.
Medistick freeze
New medistick spray works really well,.specially when original medistick is applied on top of it.
Ice-Cold Relief Kit
Melanie M.
Wonderful Product
Thank you very much for this amazing product. We were in an automobile accident over 2 years ago and are still feeling the effects daily. I've been using an all natural product which has been helping but a friend who used Medistik after her accident recommended that I try it.
I received my order yesterday and have to say that it worked immediately. I was amazed at how quickly it worked. I will definitely recommend it to everyone!
Sylvie P.
Very effective product
It dries very quickly and you get a fast relief, trust me!